New Location coming in 2025



The Momma Market by Nourish is a free family-friendly  Our first market took place on November 21st, 2021, and was a huge success!

The Momma Market features 20+ vendors promoting their businesses and products with a health/wellness/ family/ fun focus.

Each guest in attendance will receive a swag bag with lots of great giveaways and chances to win various door prizes. 



To ensure the Momma Market's success, it is crucial to get the word out effectively so that the community knows what amazing things we have planned. We plan to advertise through social media campaigns and within community online groups.



Leanne Rzepa RN BN IBCLC has been in the business of supporting breastfeeding mothers for over 20 years as the owner of Nourish Lactation Consulting.

Nourish has become Calgary’s #1 choice for in-home breastfeeding support and education with over 100 5 star Google Reviews and glowing client testimonials, Rzepa has certainly left her mark as the go-to lactation gal in the city.

Throughout her career as a Registered Nurse & Lactation Consultant, Rzepa attended many markets. Some were great and some were pretty weak with minimal traffic. The entrepreneur in Rzepa decided to create her own market with a vision to blend health, family, and wellness together.





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